@extends('layouts.master') @section('content')

About Us

At MJ Poseidon, our goal is to provide the local community with education that is of the highest caliber. We strive for the ongoing development of our leaders because they are the ones who will build a brighter future. As long as it is in the best interests of society, we shall keep imparting our expertise in order to help people succeed and benefit society.

Our Milestone

The port for thousands of prosperous freelancers in Bangladesh is the MJ Poseidon Institute. More than 600 independent contractors have been developed by us through training. By imparting knowledge and assisting students in locating desirable employment, we foster the development of the next generation of talent.

The Ten Outstanding Young Persons of Bangladesh [TOYP] 2021
The Ten Outstanding Young Persons of Bangladesh [TOYP] 2021

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Mohammad Yousuf Chowdhury Award 2020
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Exercitationem minima eos nemo eius at ut non blanditiis dignissimos culpa architecto. Dolores dolorum repellat distinctio necessitatibus.

Basis Outsourcing Award For Best Outsourcing Company
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Magni, doloremque temporibus! Veniam sed reprehenderit sequi rem est corporis, magni, maiores error, at quibusdam earum temporibus?

IDLC, Prothom Alo SME Entrepreneur Award
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Tempore eius, asperiores accusantium ullam nulla dicta, adipisci autem minima reiciendis dolore nisi porro! Aliquid, cum. Consectetur.

Organization-Building IT Expert from Around the Globe

For the past, MJ Poseidon has been working with the goal of producing IT specialists. You must learn IT skills to secure a better future in a fast-paced world where technology is used in every industry. With the utmost effort, we have created more than 500 IT specialists who are now employed in various industries.

Computer Lab

Successful Students


Expert Freelancers


Skilled Job Holders


Industry Expert     


Success Ratio         



One of the ISO Certified IT Institutes in Bangladesh

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Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Repudiandae voluptas, delectus quibusdam consequuntur molestias velit tempora dolores doloribus molestiae odio recusandae eaque! At, incidunt saepe?

Prominent Initiatives


Students received career counseling


Women got IT training on full free scholarship


Students get online internship facility


Physically challenged people received IT training


Financially deprived got IT scholarship


Polytechnics are attached for training


Senior citizens got scholarships in IT


Trendy courses for professional training

Our Infrastructure

Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure

Our Branches

Head Office

address: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Architecto explicabo non ipsa voluptas voluptatem, repellendus iste ipsum nobis dicta repellat saepe reiciendis nihil dignissimos blanditiis.
